1) CU DR LAURENCE GOULD debarking from LC-130. G 2) CU DR GOULD posing with a man next to aircraft. G 3) CU Other VIP's off-loading from aircraft. G 4) CU VIP's walking away from aircraft, after landing at Hallet Bay penguin rookery. G 5) HA CU VIP's standing in front of Chapel of the Snows, at McMurdo Station, for memorial wreath laying ceremony; present for ceremony are MR JACK VANDENHEEDE, of Belgium, MR ROBERT SCHLATTER, of Chile, MR JAMES BRODI, of New Zealand, DR LAURENCE GOULD, of USA, MR ALEX VASILEV, of USSR. 6) HA CU LT G.W. DANDO, Chaplain, USN, holding wreath. G 7) CU Words: "Chapel of the Snows" over doorway of chapel. 8) MS VIP's standing to right; ground is barren of any snow. G 9) MCU LT DANDO chatting with some of the VIP's. G 10) LA CU Byrd statue; PAN down, to inscription at base: "Richard E. Byrd, RADM U.S. Navy, Oct. 25th. 1888-Mar. 11th. 1957". 11) CU Main part of statue. G 12) CU LT DANDO holding wreath, surrounded by VIP's. G 13) MLS LT DANDO moving mike next to chapel. G 14) MS Men around LT DANDO 15) CU Navy captain saying a few words, then stepping back; LT DANDO steps up to mike, to give a short prayer. G 16) MS LT DANDO next to mike with wreath, as others move in to pose with the wreath. G 17) CU Wreath at base of memorial. 18) MS VIP giving his remarks from mike. (SV) G 19) MCU Another VIP stepping up to mike (SV). 20) LA MS Man speaking from mike. 21) MLS Captain introducing next person; captain steps back, unidt. VIP steps up to mike to give his remarks (SV). 22) MLS Another member of the treaty countries walking over to mike, to give his remarks (SV). 23) CU VIP speaking from mike, statue of Byrd in LBG. VG 24) MS Unidt. VIP speaking (SV). 25) CU Bearded treaty member giving his remarks (SV). VG 26) MS LT DANDO walking over to mike, go give the benediction. G 27) CU Treaty members standing by Byrd Memorial. G 28) LA ECU Statue of Adm. Byrd; PAN R, two of the treaty members. G 29) LA CU Statue of Adm. Byrd; PAN R, to a member. G 30) CU Member, wearing a red sweater. G 31) CU Other members posing together next to chapel. 32) LA CU Statue of Adm. Byrd. G 33) CU Wreath at base of statue; PAN up, to top part of statue. G 34) CU Base of statue. F 35) LA CU Byrd statue next to chapel. 36) CU Looking down over base of statue. G 37) CU Byrd statue. VG 38) CU Wreath at base of statue. 39) MS Treaty members chatting after ceremony. F OP., "Deep Freeze 70"